Our #1 Best-Selling Male Enhancement Supplement

Product Overview
For men who want bigger, harder, longer-lasting erections, there's now VigRX Plus™, our #1 best-selling male enhancement supplement.
It's a fresh twist on our already popular VigRX™, but has been designed to further enhance men's sexual functioning with the addition of three exciting new ingredients: Damiana, Tribulus, and Bioperine.
Damiana and Tribulus have been used for thousands of years by the Mayans and Europeans respectively to increase libido and treat erectile dysfunction, while Bioperine has been clinically proven to safely increase the absorption rates of the nutrients that it's combined with.
Product Format
Daily supplement; each box contains 60 capsules, a one-month supply.
Target Audience
Suitable for men aged 21 to 60+ who wish to diminish the physical effects of aging on their sex lives, improve their erection quality and control, and enjoy a bigger appetite for sex with more intense orgasms.
Same Day STD Testing with Sexual Health
Get Tested for 8 of the Most Common STDs - Doctor Recommended
Often, STDs don’t cause any symptoms, so it’s possible to have an infection and not know it. Our doctors recommend comprehensive testing if you’re concerned you may have been exposed or simply want to know your sexual health status.
When Is The Best Time To Get Tested?
For routine STD testing or to know your status, get tested today. If you're concerned about a possible recent exposure to an STD, our doctors recommend testing at 3 weeks after that encounter and again at 3 months for greatest accuracy.
Private and Secure
There is nothing more personal and private than your sexual health. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your health information. Our service processes and secure systems meet industry-standard privacy protections. For your privacy, "Sexual Health" will never appear in the subject line of an email or credit card statement.
Maximize your Girth and Pleasure with the Right Erection Exercises
By now most of you have heard and read the claims about the effects of penis enlargement exercises. They are all over the internet and on magazine racks everywhere you look. Those claims cannot really be disputed as for centuries there has been proof of being able to elongate your penis with a proper routine of exercises and those practices are world renown. But did you know that by following a series of exercises that not only can you increase the length of your penis, but you can also increase the diameter? And did you also know that along with increasing the length and girth of your penis you can also increase your sexual pleasure and satisfaction?
Yes, that is absolutely right. All the exercises that are carefully laid out for you in the the For Men Only CD™ not only lengthen your penis but make it bigger as well. By working through this series of exercises you will also make your penis stronger and basically more effective. Just like when you are better cardiovascular shape, you can run faster, your penis, once it’s in better shape, will perform better.
Over time and with a consistent routine, you will definitely see added benefits to your penis enlargement routine. A longer penis is not just the end all to be all. A woman’s pleasure, as well as your own, is increased significantly if your penis is thicker. A thicker penis presses more tightly against the vaginal walls and this definitely increases the sensations for both you and her. Also, through continuation of these exercises the head of your penis will also increase. This adds more and more pleasure and satisfaction from your love making sessions and increases your confidence level as well.
And everyone knows they perform better when feeling more confident. With increased satisfaction about the size and girth of your penis and knowing that your partner is getting more pleasure, you will just keep on getting better and better. You will be more inclined to learn new sexual positions and techniques. You will be more willing to take risks and try something new. Your partner will feel the increase in your confidence as well as the increase in your penis size and the benefits will just keep going and going.
So there is much more to penis exercises than meets the eye and the folks who have put together the For Men Only CD™ know only too well all the hidden benefits of a larger penis. So really you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by investing some time and effort into setting yourself into a daily routine that includes penal enlargement exercises. You will certainly be pleased with the results and it is absolutely guaranteed that your woman will be hot over heels to help your practice and stay in the game. So what are you waiting for? Order your copy of the For Men Only CD™ today and let the really great fun begin!
For more information, go to ErectionFitness.com