Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Best and Worst Fast-Food Gulps. Part 1

Stopping by the food court for a cool drink? We've decoded the best and worst fast-food refreshers.
Drive-thru drinks
Stopping by the food court for a cool drink? Check the menu or the vendor's website to see what's in a drink before you buy it—that innocent-looking plastic cup may blow your daily calorie budget. We ranked these picks, from awesome to awful.

Smoothie King
What: Smoothie King The Hulk Strawberry 20 oz.
Calories: 964
Fat: 32 grams

What: Starbucks Unsweetened Black Shaken iced tea lemonade 16 oz.
Calories: 45
Fat: 0 grams

Jamba Juice
What: Jamba Juice Orange Carrot Karma smoothie 16 oz.
Calories: 180
Fat: 0.5 grams

Orange Julius
What: Orange Julius Tripleberry Light smoothie 16 oz.
Calories: 210
Fat: 0 grams

Dairy Queen
What: Dairy Queen Mocha MooLatte 16 oz.
Calories: 690
Fat: 27 grams